Gratitude Practice: A Daily Reset

A daily gratitude practice is one of the best ways to reset and restore your mindset

Set yourself up for success: One of the best things you can do to set yourself up for success is to develop a daily gratitude practice. In order to get the results you want in life, you can't leave your mood to chance. You have to proactively put yourself in a positive state that sets you up to take the daily actions that will help create the life you want. We all have good days and bad days. In order to improve your life, you have to make sure that the good days outnumber the bad days. By taking time each day to be grateful for all the good things in your life, you set yourself up to receive more.

Gratitude Journal: It can be as simple as keeping a gratitude journal. Every morning just take a few minutes to write down things you are grateful for. Think about the people, experiences, things in your life you are grateful for. Take this time helps you keep your life in perspective and put you in a good mood to take positive action to improve your life.

Thank you notes: A really powerful practice is to let others know that you are grateful for them. You might take a few minutes to thank someone in your life for something they have done for you. This will help elevate your mood and the person you are thanking. This is such a simple thing that few people take the time to do.

The Importance of a clear Vision

A clear vision is essential to creating the life you want

One of the most important things you can do is to work on the vision you have of the life you want to create. Take some time on a regular basis to think about the life you want to create in detail. Where do you want to live? Who do you want to spend time with? What time of work will you do? How will you spend your days? How will your work be received by others?

Dream Day: Take some time to think about your ideal day. What time do you wake up? What do you do throughout the day? Where are you? Who are you spending time with? Think about this day in as much detail as possible. This is an incredibly powerful exercise because each day you have a chance to practice living your dream day. Some days will be better than others, but by getting clear and intentional about how you want to spend your days, you are able to have more good days and build your dream life one day at a time.

Something to guide you: The vision you create for yourself is just a guide. It's there to help you find and stay on the path to create the life you want to create. You may never create the vision you have exactly, but the more clear you are on it, the closer you can get to creating the life you want. It's like a North Star, you may never reach it, but it's there to help guide you along the way.

Your destiny is written in your daily routine...

A well planned daily routine can make all the difference

Getting up earlier than you need to can make all the difference. The results you get come down to the actions you take. In order to take the right actions, you need to have a vision, a plan and create an environment conducive to taking those actions. It all starts with your daily routine.

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod is a great book to check out if you want to work on your daily routine. I think it's critical to make the most of each day and the only way to do that is to master your daily routine. It's important to wake up with a plan. It's important to spend some time thinking about the vision you have for your life and to remind yourself why it matters. It's important nourish your mind, body and spirit each day so that you are in the right frame of mind to tackle the big plans to create your vision.

The best part is that you get to decide what your daily routing looks like. When you start by filling your cup, getting clear on your why and working on your most important tasks, you can make meaningful progress on creating the life you want.

Fear As A Guide

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek - Joseph Campbell

I believe that fear can be a guide or a warning. Sometimes fear is there to protect of from things that can harm us. Often fear shows up to block us from taking actions that can help us grow. In this way, fear can be a guide to help us create the life we want. When we begin to get clarity about the path we want for our life and the possible next steps to create that life, fear will usually show up. Learning to use that fear as a guide, to confront it and overcome it, can be a powerful way to push us out of our comfort zone and create the growth we need to become the person we are called to be.

Failure As Stepping Stones to Success

Knowledge is only potential power, action is the real power

Babies learn to walk by making every mistake possible. That is the only way they can learn, by process of elimination they figure out what actually works. As we get older and learn how to learn, we often become afraid of making mistakes. There is a real danger of focusing too much on learning and not enough on action. Often knowing too much can stop us from taking action. This fear holds us back from growth. The most successful people make the most mistakes. The key is to make them quickly and learn from them.

Results start with a vision that formulates into ideas, the vision can only become realized through action. It's important to realize that the initial actions often don't create the intended vision. We need the feedback of failure of course correct. The mistakes inform our next action to get closer to our intended result. The only way to truly fail is to give up or take no action.

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

Does your mindset limit you or empower you?

This is an incredibly empowering concept. Check out Carol Dweck's book Mindset for the ultimate resource on this. In her work, she identifies two primary Mindsets that people adopt. These mindsets have a powerful impact on our life experience and the results we create. They are the Fixed Mindset and and the Growth Mindset. The Fixed mindset holds that our growth potential is limited by our innate ability and that struggle and failure are signs of those limits. The Growth mindset holds that struggle and failure are inevitable on the path to growth and that embracing the struggle and failure are the path to growth. The Growth mindset asserts that early results are not indicative of our potential. The Fixed Mindset believes that genius is born while the Growth Mindset believes that genius is created through effort and struggle.

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